Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Hand Was IN A COW!

Yeah. In a cow. See attached picture for proof.

I think I went on the best field trip of all time, today. Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but it was stinkin' cool. The U of A Animal Science Department has a cow with a permanent hole in its side. You can stick your hand in and feel the inside of its stomach and play with its lunch.

In other news, I spent a great weekend in Chicago. If you haven't seen it, you should make plans to see the musical Wicked. It was incredible! No lie. And... if you haven't visited him yet, you should make plans to visit Callan in Chicago. He's didn't get me lost, or anything!

The ice storms in Tulsa definitely ruined the end of the weekend, but I will choose to remember the beginning rather than the end. :)


Kelsea said...

Why is the guy behind you NOT wearing a glove??? Totally gross! I am envious of your weekend in Chicago. It is my favorite city. And, Wicked...my favorite musical. I am pretty sure I can sing every word of every song. Love you!

Cal said...

I don't know about that cow thing...you are pretty adventurous. Did they put the hole in the cow purposely? That seems strange. Getting the condo is for sure, I'm excited! Thanks for hanging out with me in Chicago. Hopefully we will run into some Santa's this Friday.

leah marie. said...

chicago and wicked and cara! three things i looove! why didn't you take me with you????

ps..hand in cow = sick.

Wes said...

So, being the biologist that I am, I want to know how they keep a cow with a permanent hole in its side from getting crazy amounts of infections all the time.

Mere O. said...

Two syllables: eww wee!