Thursday, September 13, 2007

You're Not Supposed to Have Favorites.

JL (abreviated to protect my job) is a student on my team at school. He is from the Marshall Islands, and although I can't describe that accent that accompanies these students, I do know that he has THE accent. JL is short - probably only 4 ft tall. That's short for 6th grade. Despite his learning disabilities, JL is one of the happiest kids I know.

The other day, JL had another students marker. Just before he threw it to her, I stopped him. "Walk it," I instructed. He stands up and dances across the room singing, "Walk it out..." I probably shouldn't have laughed, but I definitely did!

Recently he was given a new schedule, and he know longer comes to my math class. At least, he isn't supposed to. Today alone, JL snuck into my room 3 times. It's pretty funny, and I don't really mind. Each time I say, "JL go to class," he responds, "Ahhh, man!" He then smiles, hugs me and leaves. I LOVE IT!


Mere O. said...

Aww, I think everyone needs someone like JL in their life!

Cal said...

They love you! I'm so happy that you are diving right in at school and making such an impact.

whitney said...

I can finally read your blog!

I laugh at/with my students all the time, especially at their homework (Example question: "Which country out of the above would you most want to be a student in?" Answer: "South Korea because it have lot of preeeetly girls." coming from a very serious nomad guy)

I'm glad you are addicted to my blog even though I didn't update it for over 2 months. But that is changing as I've figured out how to get around the internet blocks of the paranoid govt!

Laura said...

I love this! This is what teaching is all about! You told me this story before, yet I still laughed enough that water came out my nose a little. Keep it up.