Monday, September 29, 2008

Ms., Miss, and Mrs.

If you're ever feeling confident about your single lifestyle, just mention it to a group of sixth graders. I dare you! You will never quite look at the situation the same way.

I was teaching letter writing in my reading class a couple weeks ago, and in an attempt to teach correct Openers, I made the distinction among Ms., Miss and Mrs. Oops. Since then, I've received several interesting and humorous suggestions:

  • I'm not going to call you Miss Dean anymore, I'm gonna call you Single Dean!
  • Miss Dean, I need a picture of you, so I can set up your E-Harmony Page!
  • Yeah, if you don't find a match in the first 6 months, the 2nd 6 months are FREE!
  • You should get married this year, so you can have the wedding here [in my classroom] and we can all come!
They crack me up, and I just needed to share.
Signing out,
- Single Dean

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love My Job!

Last year on Tuesday September 25, I blogged about the fabulous-ness of parent/teacher conferences. And OMG, I just got home from the first night of conferences (yes, it was a 12 hour day) and I'm giddy. I absolutely love meeting the parents and families of my kiddos.

And oh, the glimpses into culture... There really are different concerns of parents depending on their cultural backgrounds. My white parents demand good grades, my Hispanic parents want respectful behavior, and my Marshallese parents just want everyone to be happy. Beyond that, the language barriers actually excite me, as they force me into small usages of my Spanish.

This is what we've been doing recently in math. Graphs, graphs, graphs.....

Survivor starts this week too, like it did last year. What a fabulous week!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I am just THAT cool.

Well, apparently I've got some hidden pop singer genes in me. I really think I would be a hit with the Hispanic middle school girl population. Why the absurdity, you ask? Well Dulce told me this week that my new do makes me look like Rhianna!

So rather than bother with an accurate picture of my new hair style, I thought this would work.

And yes, Brian, Dulce means "sweets" en espanol. I think.