Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh where, oh where...

has our little remote gone? Oh where, oh where can he be?

So this one time... I had some friends of the male gender who were searching for their tv remote in a hotel room. Unfortunately they decided it would be a good idea to call their sleeping friend, in another state to ask for help (Pretty sure there were a few beers involved).

In a parallel story, my roommate and I have lost our remote. I realize that this isn't a highly tragic event, but when one has searched under all couch cushions, in all drawers, in laundry baskets, under furniture, and even in the freezer (twice) it becomes rather frustrating. 2 days down, who knows how many more we will go....

Roommate quote: "It would make a much better story, if we had both been drunk when the remote was lost."