Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It's Love

I'm starting to love them. Really. The rough nature of last week made it difficult to love my students, however, I'm coming around. This probably says something about how I stink at loving people when I'm stressed or in less-than-perfect situations, but... the point is: I really love them, now.

My favorite part of the day is right after lunch. I get my homebase kids back for 30 minutes of "Enrichment" time. I'm still not exactly sure what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing with them during this time, but I've found something I love doing with them at this time. I read. We all lay/lie around the room, while I read aloud a book called "Things Not Seen." Hilarious, the book, that is.

I love that I can lay/lie on the floor in the middle of the day at work and it is seen as "being relevant" to my students. I also love how sixth graders still LOVE read-alouds. And finally, I love listening to their own connections to the stories.

Side note: I realize I don't know the difference between lay and lie, and I don't think I care. I teach math and reading, not grammar. Thus, the slashes.


Mere O. said...

Reading this post makes ME excited to start teaching. It's neat to see that it's the little things in your job that make it all worth while.

erinelizabeth said...

cara, i'm so excited that you have a blog now! i saw it on meredith's links, and i thought, "has cara always had a blog? surely not." i was relieved to find that this one at least is new. you're on my links now! and i have a picture of us from andrew and helen's wedding on there!

Laura said...

Many things I love about this note: a) that you know there IS difference between lay and lie; b) that you read aloud to your students, cause they never outgrow it; c) that you let them lie around the room so that reading is an enjoyable activity. Thanks for being a good teacher.